Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The six attitudes of high achieves

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers" 

John R. Noe 
  1. Make no small plans
This means that if you make plans go big. For example your future we will always want to have big plans for ourselves. We all want what is best for ourselves none of us want to have a bad future. We all need big plans to aim high. We should always have big plans for ourselves and reach them. You cant just say you want something and not work on it to reach what you want. I think that in life everybody wants something big for themselves. We all have big plans for our future and some of us reach where we want to be and sadly some of us don't.  We all need motivation to accomplish our big plans. Don't make little plans for yourself have big plans.  

2. Do what they fear
Do what they fear is to do what others think is too much for them to do. To taking advantage of all the opportunities you have don't fear what others may fear. Do what you need to do to get to what your goal in life is. Never fear what others fear always go all out for what you need to do. Show people that you can reach your goal if you put in all your hard work. I think that we all need motivation from someone in your life to accomplish what you want to accomplish. We shouldn't fear what others fear we can show others that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

3. Are willing to prepare 
Willing to prepare is to do what you have to do reach where you want to be in life. If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. You shouldn't let anybody tell you, you won't make it they are just bringing you down. Never listen to what anybody has to say just do what you have to do even if you have to do it alone. Be willing to prepare anything you want in life. Put in work for what you want. Prepare yourself for the better.

4. Are willing to risk failure 
When you are willing to risk failure it can be because you are ashamed and don't want people to see what you can really do. I think that nobody should be willing to fail in life. We should all focus on what we want to do for ourselves and reach our goal. We are all going to fail in life many times but we all need to get back up and be better at it. Everyone fails to reach their goal. We will fail but we all need to realize that you wont do great at the first try we need to keep trying.

5. Are teachable 
I believe that there is many people that are teachable. We all learn from different ways. "Be ready to be a beginner every morning." This quote says that we are going to learn something new everyday. We all should be willing to listen to others and be teachable you are not right about everything nobody is. We should all be willing to learn and be teachable to others that may not understand it. Be determined to learn everything you can. If you learn then you can be teachable and help the ones around you.

6. Have heart 
 Have heart is to something but that comes from you and not just because someone tells you to do it. For example if someone asks you for help don't do it if you are going to ask for something in return. Do something for another person because you are doing it by heart. "A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression of humility. It is a foundation for the development of such virtues as prayer, faith, courage, contentment, happiness, love, and well-being."  Be able to show others what you truly are inside and not what they see in the outside. I believe that everybody has a heart but sometimes people don't like to show how they really are in the inside.

Reflection: I think that you need to be all these 6 attitudes if you want high achievers for yourself. Each one has something that you can learn from it and be a better person. You can become a better person and probably help others become a better person as well. I commit to try my best and be each one of these attitudes. 

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