Thursday, June 9, 2016

Class Evaluation 

1. What I liked about this class was that we did many projects and learned many things while working on them. 
2. At times I actually didn't like working on some assignments. 
3. I would just recommend to just get done what you have to get done. Always listen.
4. A highlight about this class was that we always had new things to learn about each time we met for this class.
5. I believe that I actually really did do my best in this class. 
6. At first i wouldn't really read my life planning goals but I have started to read and write in it daily. 
7. I am committed to be a CTR person . When you do whats right you feel good about yourself so i can say that i am committed. 
8. What I learned about this class was to always do whats right. Always be a good person and be kind with everyone. Also to always have goals for yourself and reach them. 
9. I will always remember to do what is right. 

Student Success Statement

Last Lecture 
Student Success Statement 

"You will go far with CTR" 
-Mr. Haymore

Reflection: This is trying to say that we should always choose the right. Choosing the right gets you to to where you want to be at. With choosing the right you get to reach your goals and make other people follow your steps. We can all get far in life by choosing the right. By making bad decisions in life you can lose many things and even at times big things. We always have to choose the right and always think about what your're about to do twice.